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PhD position at Max Planck Institute (Dresden, G ... (No replies)

7 years ago
gaudry 7 years ago

Applications are open for a PhD position at Max Planck Institute (Dresden, Germany) with a strong interaction with Institut Jean Lamour (Nancy, France)

We are looking for candidates with interest and solid background in materials science. The project will be focused on bulk and surface structures of selected intermetallic compounds using a combination of experimental (bulk diffraction, surface science techniques) and theoretical (quantum chemical and Density Functional Theory) methods.

Eligible candidates must have a strong background in materials science, and/or chemistry/physics. Excellent academic records are mandatory.

Application deadline : 17 January 2018

Starting date is flexible (with a preference for February 2018) but work must start not later than September/October 2018


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials