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PhD position at King's College London in th ... (No replies)

4 months ago
ivanasavic 4 months ago

One PhD position is available in the Theory and Simulation of Condensed Matter Group at the Department of Physics, King's College London, under the supervision of Dr. Ivana Savic ( The position is fully funded for up to 3.5 years and will commence in October 2024.

The goal of this exciting project is to develop new theoretical and computational methods to describe transport and ultrafast processes in several classes of quantum materials. Our focus is modelling of electronic, vibrational and spin responses to external electrical fields and temperature gradients (electronic, thermal and spin transport), as well as their responses to light excitations on very short time scales (~fs-ps). We will develop understanding of how to control transport properties and ultrafast dynamics of selected quantum materials, which will contribute to the development of new energy-efficient devices for information and communication technologies. Materials of interest include recently discovered topological, two-dimensional and layered materials, particularly those near electronic and structural phase transitions.

The project will involve using state-of-the-art electronic structure methods to describe electronic, vibrational and spin degrees of freedom and their interactions (based on density functional theory), potentially combined with machine learning techniques. Transport and ultrafast processes will be simulated using various statistical mechanics approaches (e.g. Boltzmann transport equation, Green-Kubo approach, density matrix based methods).

The successful PhD candidate will have the opportunity to work in collaboration with leading experimental groups at Stanford University specialising in ultrafast X-ray and ARPES measurements. The PhD candidate will also benefit from the highly stimulating scientific environment in theory and simulation of materials at King's College London and Thomas Young Centre.

PhD applicants are expected to have a master-level degree in physics or a related discipline before the start of the studentship. Both UK (home) and overseas students will be considered. A strong background in solid state physics, statistical physics and quantum mechanics, and interest in material modelling and computer simulation are required. Previous experience in coding is desirable.

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Ivana Savic ([email protected]) with a CV, cover letter and transcripts as soon as possible for more information and details on how to apply.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials