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PhD Position at Imperial College London: Computa ... (No replies)

8 years ago
nh 8 years ago

A PhD position is available in the Computational Materials Science Group at Imperial College London. The successful applicant will join a research project concerned with developing new photocathodes for high brightness electron sources for use in next generation light sources such as free electron lasers. The primary task will be to develop a reliable and efficient theory of photoemmission from realistic models of photocathode surfaces and to use it in the surface engineering of cathodes with high quantum efficiency. This work will be conducted at Imperial College in close collaboraton with an international team of scientists which includes ASTeC at Daresbury Laboratory where the engineering and detailed chracaterisation of photocathodes will be undertaken.

Free electron lasers are continuously tunable, exceptionally high power and efficient lasers which produce pulses of high intensity light that will facilitate new measurements in many areas of science including; the life sciences (eg: structures of protein nanocrystals), chemistry (eg: ultrfast dynamics of chemical reactions), materials science (eg: nanomorphology) and physics (eg: probing the correlated quantum states in magnetic and superconducting materials).

An undergraduate degree in physics, chemistry, materials science or a related subject is required for this position. An interest in the theory and modelling of advanced materials will be an advantage.

This position is fully funded by the STFC Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (ASTeC) and will be affiliated to the Centre for Doctorial Training in the Advanced Characterisation of Materials at Imperial College London.

Please send your application (including a one-page cover letter addressing your research interests and motivation, curriculum vitae, copies of Master/BSc certificates and contact information of two references) to Prof. Nicholas Harrison ([email protected]).

Evaluation of candidates will start immediately and continue until the position is filled.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials