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PhD position at Graz University of Technology, A ... (No replies)

5 years ago
c.heil 5 years ago

Applications are invited for a PhD position at the Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics, Graz University of Technology

About the project:
The aim of the project is to advance the development of high temperature superconductors by investigating a novel set of promising and application-relevant material systems using state-of-the-art DFT and DFPT code-packages. The project will be funded by the Intellectual Ventures Deep Science Fund.

The project will be carried out in Graz (Austria) through a position at the Graz University of Technology. It is scheduled for a duration of 3 years, with salary based on 40h/week according to the university's policies. It is intended that the successful applicant obtains his/her PhD degree in that time.

Required qualifications and how to apply:
Suitable candidates are highly motivated and have a Master or Diploma degree in Physics, an interest in the computational modeling of materials, and good practice in numerical methods, especially DFT methods, Matlab, and Fortran. To apply, send an email including a short letter of motivation, CV, and list of possible references to `christoph.heil(at)' by the end of October at the latest.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials