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PhD position at Fraunhofer IWM (Germany) and Toy ... (No replies)

1 year ago
moras 1 year ago

We are looking for a PhD candidate in the field of molecular dynamics simulations of fluid transport properties in fuel cells. In close collaboration with partners in industry and academia, the doctoral student will work on the understanding and optimization of fuel cell properties. The tasks comprise the setting up of coarse-grained atomistic models on different scales and carrying out molecular dynamics simulations, characterizing the fluid mass flow with physically motivated expressions for the relevant transport coefficients (e.g. diffusion coefficient, membrane permeability). In close cooperation with industrial partners, the microsopic results will be integrated in continuum scale models, and machine learning tools may be used to identify relevant structure-property relationships.

The position is part of the EU industrial doctoral network BLESSED, which is an international, multi-partner doctoral research-training network with the aim to bring together young scientists and tackle the challenge of modelling/designing next generation PEMFCs (Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells) for maximising efficiency and longevity, with direct implications for clean energy and sustainable industry/mobility. BLESSED brings together academic and industrial expertise on numerical modelling and simulation in electrochemistry, reacting flows, fluid mechanics, materials, optimisation techniques and machine learning. The consortium comprises universities, research institutions and companies located in the UK, Belgium, Austria, Serbia, Greece, France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. The PhD research, funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA), will last for 36 months and require the doctoral candidate to spend the first 18 months at Fraunhofer IWM and the second 18 months at the R&D Division of Toyota Motor Europe (Zaventem, Belgium). 

For more information about the position and how to apply, please visit:


Molecular dynamics simulations and theoretical modelling of fluid transport properties of FC | EURAXESS (

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials