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PhD position at Aalto University, Helsinki, in C ... (No replies)
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A PhD student position is available immediately in the Computational Electronic Structure Theory group at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland, lead by Prof. Patrick Rinke The objective of the project is to develop coating films that protect a hybrid perovskite material for solar-energy applications in moist environments. The surfaces and interfaces of the hybrid perovskite materials will be studied with density-functional theory and database infrastructures such as the Novel Materials Discovery (NoMaD) laboratory Database and machine-learning tools for surfaces and interfaces of materials will be developed as part of the project.
The project is done in collaboration with an industrial partner and experimental groups at Aalto University that research solar cell materials. Students with a keen interest in entrepreneurship are encouraged to enroll in the International Doctoral School in Functional Materials (IDS-FunMat) of the EIT Raw Materials (
More information can be found here:
The application deadline for the position is January 15, 2017. Please apply for the position at this website: