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PhD or PostDoc position - Computational Physics, ... (No replies)

8 years ago
mfyta 8 years ago

A PhD or PostDoc position is available at the Institute of Computational Physics, University of Stuttgart in the group of Jun.Prof. Maria Fyta. The group is working at the interface of Materials Science and Biophysics with a number of projects ranging from DNA translocation to 2D materials, surfaces, and biosensors. The research in the group is conducted using theoretical and computational tools. A number of computational approaches, ranging from density functional theory up to multiscale schemes are used.

The applicant should have a strong background in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and an overall strong motivation. Computational skills are a prerequisite, as well as experience in scientific computing and programming. Ability to work independently and also function as an active and efficient team player is also important. The position is open as from January 2017.

For additional inquiries and applications (a CV, a research statement, and a list of 3 references) please send an e-mail to Maria Fyta ([email protected]).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials