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PhD opportunity: Multiscale Modelling of Li-Ion ... (No replies)

7 years ago
bmorgan 7 years ago

A fully-funded 4 year PhD studentship in theoretical / computational chemistry is available in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Bath. The project is supervised by Dr Benjamin Morgan and Prof Saiful Islam with collaboration from Dr Eike Müller (Department of Mathematical Sciences) and is suitable for students with an interest in solid state computational chemistry, materials science, scientific software development, and / or numerical methods.

Full details are available at

The closing date for applications is Wednesday, the 18th of July. 

The anticipated start date is 1st October, 2018.

The project will involve first-principles and classical atomistic modelling, theory and method development, and programming. The project will have strong interactions with the Faraday Challenge projects (particularly the multiscale modelling project) and will include opportunities for training across a range of areas related to battery science.

The successful candidate will receive a full studentship from the Faraday Institution funded by EPSRC. The studentship will cover Home/EU tuition fees and an annual stipend of £20,000 for up to 4 years. There will also be a generous allowance to support research expenses and travel.

Eligibility: The studentship is only open to UK and EU applicants who have been resident in the UK for the full 3 year period prior to the start of the PhD.

Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr Benjamin Morgan at [email protected]

Formal applications should be made via the University of Bath’s online application form for a PhD in Chemistry:

More information about applying for a PhD at Bath may be found here:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials