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PhD opportunity in Sydney, Australia (No replies)
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One PhD scholarship is available in the group of Dr. Martina Lessio at the University of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia). The scholarship is open to students from all countries and the start date is negotiable (end of 2020 preferred). The scholarship covers tuition fees and includes a stipend.
Project description:
Computational design of metal-organic frameworks for water purification applications. This project utilizes both density functional theory and classical simulations to unravel the mechanism by which existing metal-organic framework are used to remove contaminants from water. The acquired knowledge will then be used to design improved systems that can be tested experimentally.
Other projects are also available in the group, see the group website for more details (
- Bachelor’s degree with Honours or Master’s degree in Chemistry, Materials Science or related disciplines
- Good written and oral communication skills; note that the candidate must satisfy UNSW English requirements at the time of application (
- Ability to collaborate with other researchers, including experimentalist
- Experience in Computational Chemistry is desirable but not strictly required
Application instructions:
The candidate should first contact directly Dr. Martina Lessio ([email protected]). Upon discussing with the group leader, the candidate will have to submit a formal application via the UNSW graduate school application portal
Please email Dr. Martina Lessio directly ([email protected]) if you are interested in pursuing a PhD in her group at UNSW and visit the group page to learn about the group research (