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PhD openings at the State University of New York ... (No replies)
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PhD openings in computational condensed matter are available in the Department of Physics at the State University of New York at Binghamton. Research topics include (i) study of topological, superconducting, battery, spintronic, and nanoelectronic materials and (ii) development of advanced electronic structure (EPW) and neural network (MAISE) packages. Further information about the research and the graduate program can be found at Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Professors Roxana Margine, Manuel Smeu, and Alexey Kolmogorov. The applicants must hold a Bachelor or Master degree in Physics or a related discipline. GRE and TOEFL (if English is not your native language) are required for the graduate school admission. Application fee waivers are available for strong candidates: Full application submitted at will be considered starting January 10, 2018 until February 15, 2018.