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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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PhD Opening for Interdisciplinary Theoretical Ch ... (No replies)

5 years ago
Annika 5 years ago
Dear Colleagues,
let me draw your attention to a PhD opening for a project entitled "Machine Learning Meets Theoretical Chemistry: Data-driven Analysis of Grapheneoxide" that I am going to supervise together with Prof. Ulf Leser from HU Berlin (Computer Science).
It is embedded in a Data Science Doctoral Program in Berlin, namely HEIBRiDS (Helmholtz Einstein International Research School in Data Science), where there are also a few other projects available.

Applications can be made through until March 8,
2019 and there will be a candidate selection week May 13-15.

The ideal candidate has a two-fold background:
1) Experience with electronic structure calculations for spectroscopy
2) Experience with machine learning tools

Interested students should optimally contact me before submitting the application regarding the project and the selection process.

Regards, Annika Bande

Dr. Annika Bande
Freigeist Junior Research Group Leader
Institute of Methods for Material Development at

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin

Associate to Institute of Chemistry and
at FU-Berlin
Address: Albert-Einstein-Str. 15, 12489 Berlin, Germany
Fon       : +49/(030)/8062-42026/-13507

Fax       : +49/(030)/8062-14757

E-mail   : [email protected]

WWW   :


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials