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PhD in theoretical/computational condensed matte ... (No replies)
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Italian Institute of Technology (Genova, Italy) and the University of Genova invite applications for a PhD position in the Quantum Materials Theory group.
We work on modeling materials where competing interactions between spins, orbital and structural degrees of freedom result in complex orders, such as spin spirals, skyrmions or strongly interacting magnetic and ferroelectric orders in multiferroics, carrying promise for novel memory and spintronic devices. The work combines analytical and numerical calculations and is performed in close collaboration with leading experimental and theoretical groups. Some examples of our work can be found here.
We are looking for a motivated candidate with a solid background in condensed matter physics, interest in materials theory, good command of written and spoken English.
The deadline for applications is June 13th, 2017. Please contact Sergey Artyukhin at [email protected] to discuss a research proposal. The email should have your CV attached. IIT is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 40% of our employees are foreigners. Female and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.