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PhD in simulation of new materials via DFT at IC ... (No replies)

8 years ago
paspanin 8 years ago

ICCRAM-UNIVERSITY OF BURGOS is looking for Graduated Students interested in carrying out a PhD degree in materials science

ICCRAM (International Research Center in CRMs for Advanced Industrial Technologies),is an International Excellence Research Center located at Universidad de Burgos facilities, which is developing activities in the following areas: biophysics, biotechnology, industrial technology, materials science, nanosafety, materials design, nanotechnology, nuclear technology, resource management efficiency, eco-innovation and substitution of critical raw materials. ICCRAM is a major partner in international organizations such as EU-NANOfutures or the International Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) with participation in European projects such as:

  • -H2020-TWINN-2015-SUPERMAT-GA-692216.
  • -H2020-NMP-2015-two-stage-NOVAMAG-GA-686056.
  • -H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015-NANOGENTOOLS-GA-691095.
  • -H2020-WASTE-4d-2015-CSAMSP-REFRAM-GA-688993.
  • -H2020-MSCA-IF-EF-ST-Nano-PieZoelecTrics-GA-707954.
  • -H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-RIA-ICARUS-GA-713514.


We are looking for graduated students interested in carrying out a PhD degree in materials science at ICCRAM. The selected candidate will be, during his thesis, integrated in an active researching line on the frame of international projects, in the field of nanotechnology. His work will specifically be focused on computer simulation of new materials structure and properties with technological interest based on Density functional theory (DFT) programs.

It will be mandatory to have an average academic grade above 8 (academic record certificate will be required).

Candidates must have coursed studies related with these topics: Physics, Chemistry, Materials Engineering, or similar.


Initial fellowship up to a year (1.000€/month) + continuity through a proposal supported by the research group on an official competitive grant call.


  • -Special interest in the following areas:
  • Computational modelling and materials design, integrated computational engineering, simulation and materials genome.
  • DFT calculations.
  • Molecular Dynamic Modelling.
  • -Capacity to work in teamwork, flexibility, willing to carry out international research stays and research motivation and enthusiasm.
  • -High level of English.
  • -Previous experience, published articles, participation in other European projects, etc.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials