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PhD in Grenoble to study metal-organic framework ... (No replies)

7 years ago
robertap 7 years ago

The PhD candidate will work and the design of novel materials belonging to the family of Hofmann-type clathrates that can efficiently separate CO2 from other gases using spin crossover transitions. The student will be located in Grenoble and will perform both experiments at the ILL (, such as neutron diffraction, neutron vibrational spectroscopy and QENS and ab initio calculations of the electronic structure of these compounds at SIMaP (

Advisors: Roberta Poloni (SIMaP, Grenoble) for the calculations and Alberto Rodriguez Velamazan (ILL, Grenoble) for the experimental part

Starting date: October 2018

Funding: Institut Laue-Langevin

How to apply: send a cover letter and a detailed CV including undergraduate degrees and name and contact of at least two referees to the following addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]. Only applications received by the end of May will be considered.

Salary and benefits: please see here:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials