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PhD in Computational Modelling at the Atomic Sca ... (No replies)
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CIC energiGUNE offers the opportunity to complete a PhD in the field of Computational Modelling at the Atomic Scale of Electrolyte Dynamics in Metal-air Batteries.
Who are we?
CIC energiGUNE is an excellence research center based in the Basque Country (Spain) and dedicated to the research and development of materials for energy storage. it offers the opportunity to work in an interdisciplinary and international environment. It is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce. CIC energiGUNE is well equipped with a wide range of up-to-date facilities that are fully available for all its researchers. It also has a strong commitment in the long-term high-level training of its young researchers, and as proof of its training capacities, it indeed participates in numerous formative activities of national and internationals students through several programs at undergraduate, Master and PhD levels. Since 2011, CIC energiGUNE has been training more than 30 PhD students.
What we offer
The project involves the development and application of density functional theory calculations and Reax FF-based molecular dynamics simulations, which will enhance our atomistic understanding of non-aqueous liquid electrolytes of interest for next-generation battery technologies. The simulations will focus on ionic transport, electrolyte-electrode interactions, and aging mechanisms for different chemistries in metal-air battery systems. The project will be carried out in close collaboration with other CIC-based and international experimental partner laboratories and will aid the atomistic interpretation of novel solvation experiments and electrochemical measurements
Qualification requirements
Candidates are invited to submit their applications including a detailed curriculum vitae and their academic records at
Dr. Javier Carrasco : [email protected]
Group Leader Atomistic & Modelling Computational Simulations