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PhD in computational electrochemistry at the PhD ... (No replies)

1 year ago
risplendi 1 year ago

Within the framework of an European Marie Curies Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) project called ECOMATES (, one PhD position is available in Politecnico di Torino.

Project title: Computer aided design of bimetallic compound surfaces with improved CO2RR selectivity.

Project objectives: This PhD program aims at using state of the art ab initio simulations to predict the structure and reactivity of bimetallic Cu/M surfaces towards CO2RR. Reaction energy path leading to different value added products will be calculated and catalyst selectivity addressed.  Comparison of different bimetallic systems at different stoichiometry will allow identifying the best performing catalysts.

Expected outcome: (i) Determine the low energy surfaces of bimetallic Cu/M compounds (ii) Calculate the reaction energy path for CO2RR on the low energy surfaces. (iii) Correlation between the stoichiometry of the Cu/M bimetallic compounds and their selectivity towards specific products.

Working context: the PhD student will be enrolled in the PhD school of the Politecnico of Torino (Italy), supervised by Prof. G. Cicero. Part of the activity will be carried on during secondment periods at the University of Iceland to learn performing CO2RR kinetic simulations, at the Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) to be trained on machine learning.


Specific requirements and eligibility criteria of the PhD School of the Politecnico of Torino can be found at the link:

Starting date and contract duration: The contract will start no later than the 1st of November 2023 and will last 36 months.

For further information on this position please contact Prof. G. Cicero (email: [email protected]).

All details on ECOMATES’s open positions are also reported on the Euraxess portal at the link


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials