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PhD in Computational Chemistry for Atomistic Sim ... (No replies)

3 years ago
bkarasulu 3 years ago

Applications are invited for a EPSRC-funded PhD studentship (UK/EU applicants*), available from September 2021. The post-holder will work with Dr. Bora Karasulu (University of Warwick, Chemistry Department) on the “Atomistic Simulations of Novel Materials for the Next-gen All-Solid-State Battery Technology” project. Application deadline is June 25th, 2021.

All-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) have drawn soaring attention as a next-generation energy storage technology by mitigating the safety risks with the conventional batteries and providing superior battery performances. ASSB is a key technology in industries where battery safety and performance are utmost, such as electric vehicles. Some major limitations, however, are yet to be resolved before ASSBs can be fully commercialised, which we strive to tackle at a molecular level in our group through three closely-aligned projects that are run in parallel: (1) Discovering novel ASSB materials with superior performance; (2) Modelling the Solid-Solid Interfaces within ASSBs; and (3) Developing Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) strategies for ASSB Applications.

The student will employ a wide range of state-of-the-art computational modelling methods, also contributing to their development. The research activities will revolve around the atomistic modelling and discovery of ASSB materials, and first-principles characterization of their various properties, which allow for a direct connection with the experiments, done by collaborators. These three projects are implemented in close collaboration with the leading experimentalist and theoretician experts from the University of Warwick (Chemistry and WMG), University of Cambridge (Prof. Clare P. Grey and Prof. David J. Wales) and from abroad (TNO, Netherlands). The student will have ample chances (and expected) to interact with the collaborators during their appointment.

More details on the PhD position can be found at here and here . Please direct informal enquiries and requests for further information to Dr. Bora Karasulu ([email protected]). Please include your CV (including contact details for at least two academic referees) and a supporting statement (max 2 pages) detailing your interest in the research area and your suitability to the role you are applying to. Referees will be contacted at the interview stage, which is expected to take place in the week commencing July 4th. Research group information is available at

* Non-UK applicants are welcome to apply, however they will need to arrange for additional funding for the full Band 2 Postgraduate Research fees ( Some funding opportunities are available for non-UK students (, please contact us for further enquiries.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials