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PhD in Computational Chemistry (No replies)

5 years ago
rachel-crespo 5 years ago

A PhD position is available to start in January/February 2020 at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) in the Crespo-Otero group (, to work on the project “Understanding the effect of aggregation in light-emitting organic crystals”.

The student will explore a series of organic crystals displaying high-yield phosphorescence and investigate the photochemical deactivation mechanisms. Several mechanisms will be explored with a particular focus on the role of triplet states and electron transfer. Based on these results, structure property-relationships with implications for material design will be proposed. Because of the lack of computational methods to investigate excited state processes in molecular aggregates, this project will have a strong method development component aiming at creating new software, which will be used for the study of the model crystals.

Applications are invited from highly motivated candidates with or expecting to receive a masters degree in an area relevant to the project, such a computational chemistry, physics and/or materials science. Previous experience in code development is highly desirable but not a prerequisite.

This studentship is open to UK/EU applicants and is funded by the Leverhulme Trust. It will cover tuition fees, and provide an annual tax-free maintenance allowance for 3 years at the Research Council rate (£17,009 in 2019/20). Applicants from outside of the UK are required to provide evidence of their English language ability. Please see our English language requirements page for details:

Potential candidates should contact Dr Rachel Crespo-Otero ([email protected]) including a CV, a statement of purpose and the contact details of two academic references. Formal applications must be submitted through our online form by the 15th November 2019.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials