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PhD fellowships in Theoretical/Computational Che ... (No replies)

7 years ago
wglover 7 years ago

PhD fellowships in Theoretical/Computational Chemistry, NYU Shanghai, New York & China

New York University invites applications for the Shanghai Track Doctoral Program in Computational Chemistry. Students admitted to this track will work with NYU Shanghai faculty within the Center for Computational Chemistry (CCC,, a research institute operated jointly by NYU, NYU Shanghai, and East China Normal University. The CCC is establishing itself as a world-class platform for research, training, and international collaboration in computational and theoretical chemistry. The center has a core group of outstanding faculty members who are conducting frontier research in various fields of computational/theoretical chemistry, biology, and material sciences.

Students in the Shanghai track will normally spend their first year at NYU in New York for course work, before starting the full-fledged Ph.D. program in a research group in Shanghai. Candidates who successfully complete the program will receive a Ph.D. degree from New York University. All full-time Ph.D. students are supported by fellowships that covers tuition and provides a generous stipend. Graduate Student stipends and benefits are equivalent to those on the New York track, and in addition come with a travel allowance and housing opportunities.

Program Components
Students will typically take one year of courses in the New York University Department of Chemistry, designed to give a solid foundation in the fundamental concepts of theoretical and computational chemistry. The program offers flexibility in the choice of courses, and is designed in consultation with NYU Shanghai faculty and the director of graduate studies, taking into account each student’s specific background, experience, and field of interest.

A list of graduate-level courses is available on the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Site ( In addition, students will attend courses on professional development, English language (as necessary), and research colloquia from leading faculty.

During the first year, students will select an NYU Shanghai faculty member to serve as thesis advisor and join their research group in Shanghai following completion of the coursework component. Current research activities in the Center for Computational Chemistry cover much of the field of computational chemistry, broadly defined, including studies of protein interactions, enzyme reactions, computer aided drug design, intermolecular interactions, light harvesting in photosynthesis, radiation damage to DNA, materials science, and quantum dynamics in complex environments. Prospective students are strongly encouraged to read the Standing Faculty Profiles before applying (

During the program, students will acquire the skills necessary for a successful career in independent research. These includes mastering computational tools to carry out world-class research, communicating research findings effectively in oral presentation and scholarly publication, and developing independent research proposals. Students will receive feedback on their progress from a thesis committee at several stages in the program, and they are expected to defend their thesis in the 5th year.

Further information on the Doctoral Program is available on the NYU Chemistry website (

Application to the NYU Shanghai Track Doctoral Program in Computational Chemistry is done online on the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences site ( During the application, students interested in the Shanghai track must select the Shanghai campus and indicate Theory/Physical Chemistry as their program. The deadline for application is December 12th for enrollment in the subsequent Fall semester.

Further details of the program and application requirements are available on the GSAS site. Please note: GRE test scores are required (and additionally, TOEFL for non-native English speakers). Questions should be directed to Prof. Glover (william.glover[at] and Prof. Zhang (john.zhang[at]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials