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PhD fellowships at Forschungszentrum Jülich (Re ... (No replies)

3 years ago
pkowalski 3 years ago

Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (Research Center Jülich) is one of the largest, interdisciplinary research centers in Europe. With its powerful supercomputing resources and attractive geographic location in proximity to many German and European urban centers it gives attractive opportunity for cutting edge and enjoyable PhD research.

HITEC Graduate Program released a competitive call for attractive PhD fellowships (, with several PhD projects, four or which are related to atomistic simulations and coordinated/supported by IEK-13 Institute for Theory and Computation of Energy Materials, in cooperation with other institutes. All projects are in an attractive research field on Materials for Energy Transitions.

Computational projects:

Research Project #21: Molecular level investigation of the electrode-ionic liquid electrolyte interface for designing novel polymer membrane fuel cells for mid-temperature application (IEK-13 and IEK-14),

Research Project #22: Large scale atomistic simulations for fundamental understanding of supported metal/metal-oxide nanoparticle catalysts,

Joint experimental & computational projects:

Research Project #17: Development of advanced poly- and single-crystalline Na-ionic conductors with perovskite structure-type,

Research Project #18: Li behaviour on interface and electrodeposition for anode-free all-solid-state Li batteries,

General application to our research field:

Research Field #3: Theory and Computation of Energy Materials (IEK-13),

We are looking for excellent and enthusiastic candidates! Please apply under:

For related questions, please contact:

Dr. Piotr Kowalski ([email protected])

Head of Computational Materials Modeling division (IEK-13)

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials