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PhD Fellowship in Condensed Matter Theory and Hi ... (No replies)

8 years ago
cpierleo 8 years ago

PhD Fellowship in Condensed Matter Theory and High Pressure Physics,
CEA and Maison de la Simulation, Paris-Saclay, France

A 3-years PhD fellowship will be available from October 1st 2016 at the “Maison de la Simulation”, Paris-Saclay, under the supervision of C. Pierleoni. The fellowship is funded by the ANR within the project “Physics of hydrogen and other light elements under extreme conditions”. The candidate will work in the field of ab-initio studies of the equation of states of light elements under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature, interesting for planetary physics and energy applications. The project involves the development and application of new methodologies based on advanced Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods, in particular the Coupled Electron-Ion Monte Carlo methods, introduced by the PI in recent years.
The ideal candidate must have a solid background in condensed matter physics and/or chemistry and a Master degree in Physics or Chemistry with experience in electronic structure calculations and/or numerical Statistical Mechanics. An attitude to code development is also important. Documented experience with QMC methods and with code development will be considered positively.

More information can be obtained by email from the PI at: carlo_DOT_pierleoni_AT_aquila_DOT_infn_DOT_it

Interested candidates should apply electronically (CV including publications list and arrange for two reference letters) to:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials