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PhD and postdoc positions opportunities in Aveir ... (No replies)
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Scholarship and job opportunities for 2019 in the Applied Computer Modelling Group (ACMG), Aveiro, Portugal.
I am looking for highly motivated individuals with a keen interest in computer modelling.
Available positions range from Ph.D. students to postdoctoral and junior researchers.
We do computer modelling, typically in collaboration with experimental groups, using several methodologies ranging from molecular mechanics and docking to DFT and Ab-Initio quantum chemistry.
Readily available positions and competitive calls:
-Ph.D. and postdoc positions under the project: Graphene for a New Generation of Electronic (IF/00894/2015) [open continuously]
-Doctoral INPhINIT Incoming fellowships of “La Caixa”:Bio-inspired Technology: Using Computers to Design New Computers (funded by “La Caixa”) [contact me before end of january 2019].
-Postdoctoral and researcher positions (funded by the portuguese FCT) 6 years fellowships [contact me before 07/02/2019].
We study mainly systems ranging from organic molecules to nanomaterials and crystals. In addition, we also study inorganic materials like TiO2 and MOFs, and biomolecules like DNA and proteins and its interactions with nanomaterials.
In addition, a large number of topics are available like molecular electronics, porous 2D materials, in-silico design of new materials, etc, etc. Click here for the full lists of publications to see the current range of topics.
For any doubt or queries, formal or informal, do not hesitate to contact me.
Manuel Melle-Franco, 12/2018, Aveiro, Portugal
Manuel Melle-Franco
Investigador Principal FCT
Applied Computer Modelling Group
CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials
Universidade de Aveiro
Office 29.3.34, ext. 24923
Phone: +351-234401423
3810-193, Aveiro, PORTUGAL
manuelmelle AT