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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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PhD and Postdoc positions in theoretical chemist ... (No replies)

6 years ago
tkuehne 6 years ago

In the Dynamics of Condensed Matter group we are aiming to develop novel computational methods to study complex many-body systems such as liquids, interfaces, solutions and solids from first-principles. Along those lines we have multiple PhD and postdoctoral research positions to offer, funded by an ERC starting grant. Each project consists of both, method development and application.

Potential candidates should have a Master degree in Chemistry, Physics, or related discipline and a strong in- terest in computer simulations as well as programming. Basic experience with Linux, numerical methods of theoretical physics/chemistry, electronic structure methods and/or molecular dynamics are desirable - but specific knowledge of any of these areas is less critical than ex- ceptional intellectual ability and a demonstrated track record of achievement.

Consideration of the candidates will begin immediately until the position is filled. Applications in electronic form including contact information of at least two academic references should be directed to [email protected]

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials