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PhD and Postdoc positions at University of Basel ... (No replies)

8 months ago
acamm 8 months ago

Applications are invited for 1 PhD student and 1 postdoctoral researcher in the Advanced Materials Group (AMG) at the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic), and for 1 PhD student and 1 postdoctoral researcher in the Nanolino group at the University of Basel (Switzerland), to work on the SNFS-GAČR funded project “Nanoscale friction control of layered transition metal dichalcogenides”. The goal of the project is to develop a deep theoretical and experimental knowledge for “on-demand” control of nanoscale friction in transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), and to individuate optimal electrostatic and electromagnetic stimuli to be used as external “knobs” at user’s disposal.

Positions at Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU)

PhD and postdoctoral fellows at CTU will deal with the development of quantum mechanical models based on Density Functional Theory, under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. Antonio Cammarata. The research will be carried out thanks to the access to High Performance Computing (HPC) centers. Information on how to apply at this link:

Positions at University of Basel (UNIBA)

PhD and postdoctoral fellows at UNIBA will deal with the preparation of 2D MoSe2, MoS2 and other transition metal dichalcogenides in a ultrahigh vacuum environment and the analysis by high resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) under the supervision of PD. Dr. Thilo Glatzel. In the home-build AFM non-contact and contact measurements with atomic resolution will allow to investigate and control the friction and dissipation processes on the 2D materials and their defects. Information on how to apply at this link:


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials