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PhD and PDRA positions at King's College Lo ... (No replies)

George Booth
7 years ago
George Booth 7 years ago

Applications are being sought for PhD and PDRA positions in the field of quantum chemistry/condensed matter physics to develop new computational approaches to tackle strongly interacting quantum many-body problems. The positions are to be held at King’s College London, UK, in the research group of Dr. George Booth.

The project will research novel approximations based on locality of correlation between the electrons to render the full wavefunction an embedded, tractable object, whilst relying on machine-learning and stochastic approaches for dimensionality reduction. These new ideas will be developed and applied to correlated systems ranging from lattice models to ab initio correlated materials including transition metal oxides and organic photoactive molecular crystals of significant technological interest.

The project will have a large programming components, which the candidate should have prior experience with. Furthermore, the successful candidate should have a strong background in theoretical/modeling techniques and quantum many-body physics and/or chemistry.

Candidates are encouraged to view the website of the group (, as well as get in contact with the PI directly at [email protected] for informal discussions on the potential suitability of the project. Formal applications are to be made to the TSCM research group at King’s College London via

Additional and Funding Notes:

London weighting is applied to PhD studentships and PDRA salaries. Starting dates flexible.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials