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Ph.D. student position at DTU-Nanotech, Copenhag ... (No replies)
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The “EDGE” project at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) aims to do fundamental research towards room temperature quantum effect devices, including ab-initio calculations of transport phenomena, development of novel THz and electrostatic scanning probe based characterisation methods, and fabrication of devices based on room temperature quantum effects and ballistic transport. The Ph.D. three students (1 theoretical + 2 experimental) will collaborate across disciplines and the involved Departments to accomplish these goals, working closely with colleagues and students within the Graphene Flagship as well as the Danish Centre of Excellence, Center for Nanostructured Graphene.
For the EDGE project the Theoretical Nanoelectronics group (Group Leader Prof. M. Brandbyge) at the Dept. of Micro and Nanotechnology (DTU-Nanotech) seeks a candidate to perform research in the following areas:
Essential requirements:
Further details on how to apply and salary etc.:
The deadline for applications is 01.09.2015. The application should be submitted in English.