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Ph.D. student, Ghent University, Center for Mole ... (No replies)
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We are pleased to announce a funded PhD position in a collaboration between the Center for Molecular Modeling at Ghent University and the Center for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis at KULeuven. The PhD will be primarily supervised by Prof. Toon Verstraelen at the Center for Molecular Modeling, a multidisciplinary research team of 40 researchers from the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture.
The goal of the research project is to understand how zeolites grow in ionic liquids and which factors govern crystal structure and morphology. Your task in this project is to characterize structural and dynamic properties of hydrated ionic liquid synthesis mixtures with molecular dynamics simulations, under conditions that match the experimental setup as closely as possible. An important fundamental aspect in this research project is the derivation of physically motivated force field models from electronic structure calculations. You should also exchange your results with the experimental partner in KULeuven.
We are looking for a candidate with an MSc in Physics, Chemistry or Engineering, who has extensive experience with molecular dynamics, electronic structure calculations and Python programming in a research project (e.g. MSc thesis) and who has a good understanding of the underlying theoretical concepts. In addition, good (scientific) communication skills and a strong personal motivation are highly appreciated.
Applications should be sent to [email protected] before November 31, 2019, with the subject: "Application for Ph.D. position - Modeling zeolite synthesis in ionic liquids". The application should include:
All documents should be in PDF format and written in English. From all applications, a short-list of candidates will be made, who will be contacted for an interview over Skype.