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Ph.D. positions in the area of multiscale modeli ... (No replies)

5 years ago
cschroeder1 5 years ago

Bielefeld University and Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences

Ph.D. positions (50% TVL E13) are available in the group of Professor Christian Schröder, Computational Materials Science and Engineering, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Bielefeld University. The positions are associated with the recently founded “Center for Interdisciplinary Materials Research and Technology Development (CiMT)” in Bielefeld. The CiMT is as joint venture of the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld University, and regional high-tech companies.
The main topic of the projects is the development of multiscale simulation models for the investigation of degrading and corrosion processes of plastic or steel surfaces in close collaboration with experimental groups of the partner universities and companies.
Interested candidates should hold a M.Sc. in chemistry, physics, materials science or a related field and should be highly motivated to use, tailor, and if necessary develop state-of-the-art simulation tools for challenging applications in the areas of atomistic and continuum (FEM) simulations.
The ideal candidate is familiar with standard operating systems (Linux/Windows) and has some background in electronic structure theory (DFT), molecular dynamics, and/or continuum methods like FEM. Experiences in the use of related simulation tools and programming experience (FORTRAN, Python, C and/or C++) are advantageous and should be described in the motivation letter in detail. Excellent communication skills in English are mandatory. German language skills are advantageous but not essential.
Please send your application with the keyword ‘PSI-K-9-2019’ as one single pdf file including a CV, a motivation letter, copies of university certificates (BSc and MSc, in German or English), English language certificates, a description of relevant experiences and contact addresses of at least one academic reference (letters are not needed) by email to

Prof. Dr. Christian Schröder
Computational Materials Science and Engineering
Bielefeld Institute for Applied Materials Research
Bielefeld University of Applied Science
Interaktion 1
33619 Bielefeld
Email: [email protected]

Only complete applications will be considered. The evaluation of candidates will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled. The Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences is an equal opportunity employer and we particularly welcome applications from women (all genders welcome).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials