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Ph.D. Positions at the University of Regensburg (No replies)
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A young, dynamic research group will be launched in February 2017 at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Regensburg. The group is led by David Egger, supported via the prestigious Sofja Kovalevskaja program of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and will focus on theoretical solid state physics and computational materials science - see for more information.
Currently, we seek Ph.D. students (f/m) for exciting theoretical and computational research of practically relevant materials. We will examine molecular dynamic simulations of photovoltaic semiconductors (e.g., hybrid perovskites) and quantum-mechanical predictions of complex material systems. We offer exciting Ph.D. research in an internationally leading environment, and the opportunity of collaborations with experimental and theory groups from top-notch institutions inside and outside of Europe. The University of Regensburg, situated within close distance to the lovely medieval old city, has continuously been voted among the top universities in the field of solid state physics in Germany. Furthermore, we are in the process of acquiring a modern, large-scale supercomputing facility that will provide the group members with abundant computational resources and an excellent scientific surrounding.
Successful candidates are expected to show a keen interest in fundamental research in general and materials theory in particular, and should have a M.Sc. degree in physics (or equivalent). First experiences with electronic structure/molecular dynamics techniques are an asset, computer and/or programing skills or the willingness of acquiring them are a must.
Positions are available as of now and remain open until filled. To apply, please send your curriculum vitae, a transcript of your M.Sc. degree, and a brief motivation statement (all in English or German) to Dr. David Egger by email:
[email protected]