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Ph.D. position in Theoretical Physics (No replies)

6 years ago
hyldgaar 6 years ago

The density functional theory group in the
Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience - MC2,
at Chalmers, Sweden, invites applications for a
PhD position in Theoretical Physics with a
focus on understanding charge transfer in
molecules at surfaces.

The successful candidate will contribute to a
research program that develops nonlocal DFT within
the framework of our van der Waals density functional

As a Ph.D. student you will work in international
collaborations to improve our understanding
charge transfers in molecules at substrates, for example,
as relevant for photovoltaics. You will develop, code, and
test method progress and you will apply the tools to characterize
both the atomic and electronic structure of molecules like
organic dyes. You will study their adhesion, and the electronic
properties that controls the charge transfer at interfaces with
metals and semiconductors.

We are looking for a PhD student with the equivalent of
a Swedish Masters degree in Physics, Engineering Physics, or
Physical Chemistry. Experience in scripting languages like
python, in coding languages like fortran or C, and in understanding
soft-matter phenomenon is an advantage. You should have a sound
knowledge of condensed matter physics.

Chalmers continuously strives to be an attractive employer.
Equality and diversity are substantial foundations in all
activities at Chalmers.

For further information please contact
Professor Per Hyldgaard, +46 31-772-8422, [email protected]

Please see the official Chalmers position webpage:

for details, application instruction, and for access to the Chalmers
registrator portal, through which your application should be sent.

Preferred start date is May 2019. Application deadline is
February 15, 2019. If not filled by then, applications will be
reviewed every month until the search is closed.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials