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Ph.D. position at the University of Luxembourg ( ... (No replies)
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A Ph.D. position is available in the group for Theoretical Chemical Physics (TCP, led by Prof. Alexandre Tkatchenko in the Physics and Materials Science (PhyMS) Department at the University of Luxembourg ( The position is funded by an FNR-CORE Junior grant QML-FLEX and will be supervised by Dr. Igor Poltavsky. The starting date is September 1, 2020. The successful candidate will participate in the development of a unified formalism for constructing machine learning (ML) force-fields where molecular descriptors, their metric, training sets, and parameters of ML models are all data-driven and obtained in a self-consistent manner.
The University of Luxembourg is a young, dynamic, and well-funded university and is rapidly growing in international rankings. Luxembourg is a small European country with a very high quality of living and is bordered by France, Belgium, and Germany.
The successful candidate will join a strong and visible research team with an excellent funding track record in competitive national, international and European grants. The scientific topics developed in the group range from machine learning approaches for describing molecular potential-energy surfaces, development of improved quantum methods for the description of non-covalent interactions, path-integral approaches to nuclear quantum effects (including the molecular Aharonov-Bohm effect), and synergies between these methods to interpret puzzling experimental observations and predict new phenomena in complex molecular systems.
The position is open to strong applicants with backgrounds in physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, and/or multidisciplinary background. UL and PhyMS strive to increase the share of female Ph.D. students. Therefore, we explicitly encourage women to apply. We offer a competitive salary and an attractive working environment in one of the most enjoyable European cities (
For more information and applications contact: Dr. Igor Poltavsky ([email protected])