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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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Ph.D. Graduate Studentship at University of Nort ... (No replies)

8 years ago
ykanai 8 years ago

Ph.D. Graduate Studentship at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA)

We are looking for two or possibly more PhD students to join our research group next year in Department of Chemistry at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The overarching theme of the research group is studies of novel dynamical phenomena in materials and other condensed phase systems by developing and applying computational methods based on electronic structure theory. Strong background in physics and chemistry is preferable. Prior knowledge in electronic structure theory and programming skills would be beneficial, but is not necessary.

For more information about our group, see

If interested, please apply officially through The deadline for the application is December 15, 2016. GRE and TOEFL (if English is not your native language) are required for the graduate school admission.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials