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Permanent research position in Zagreb, Croatia (No replies)

4 years ago
iloncaric 4 years ago

Dear Colleagues,

Within the next few months, we shall have an opening for a permanent position of Research Associate (equiv. to Assistant Professor) in the Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics (CMSP) group at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute (RBI) in Zagreb, Croatia. This position is meant for a scientist working in the theory and computation of condensed matter physics and material science using density functional theory (DFT) or other first-principles methods. We expect the potential candidate to have one to several years of postdoc experience and valuable research record consistent with it. Collaboration with experimental or technological groups is also appreciated. There is a formal requirement of at least 9 papers in WoSCC, at least 3 as the main author (Q1, Q2).

The Theoretical Physics Division is one of the most active division of RBI, the leading research institution in Croatia, and the CMSP group has the strongest tradition in acquiring local and international grants to support its research effort. Thus, the candidate is expected to show a genuine motivation in developing his research career in the group, adding valuable potential to support the group efforts and to dedicate her/himself to support the group effort toward excellence. RBI is a purely research institution, so the appointee will not be distracted by teaching duties, unless she/he wants to. Yet, RBI is next door to two additional institutions carrying out physics research (the Institute for Physics and the University), with potential collaborators and students to work with. In this regard, there is plenty of opportunities to collaborate with experimental groups, especially in condensed matter and material science, where the number of scientists doing modeling is relatively low.

The cost of life in Croatia is significantly lower than in western Europe. Thus, while the salary offered is in the top 20% of the national distribution, it looks relatively low in comparison to a similar position in western Europe (gross salary is around 2100 EUR). It should be remarked that, in addition to being a purely research position, Croatia offers efficient funding opportunities and it is uniquely positioned to be competitive in European applications.

Due to the bureaucratic procedures of Croatia's academic employment, we are scouting for potential candidates prior to the official openings to better prepare the call. Potentially interested candidates are asked to contact Ivor Loncaric ([email protected]) and Luca Grisanti ([email protected]) (cc:[email protected]) and keep in mind that, from the time of the application, to complete the employment process it could easily take approx. one year. Thus, indicatively, we are looking for candidates available to start in around 1 year.

Best Regards,
Ivor Loncaric

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials