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Permanent positions at Bosch Research: Computati ... (No replies)
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BOSCH Research in Cambridge MA is looking for computational physicists, chemists and materials scientists to join the growing materials design team. The mission is to enable deeper understanding of thermodynamic, kinetic, and transport phenomena in electrochemical systems on atomic level using both quantum and classical simulations. Strong focus is placed on development and application of computational and data science methods for understanding and automated discovery of next generation materials, primarily for electrochemistry and energy conversion.
The materials computation group, founded by Prof. Boris Kozinsky of Harvard University, is dedicated to long-term fundamental investigations of transformative energy technologies. Located in Cambridge MA, close to MIT and Harvard, we support global experimental efforts with fundamental understanding, emphasizing innovation and high technological impact. Using both internal funding and government grants, we collaborate closely with a network of leading computational and experimental teams which includes top universities, national labs and industrial partners. We strongly encourage high impact publications and patent applications.
Job Description:
- Development and application of atomistic methods for understanding thermodynamics, kinetics, and transport
- Computational discovery of next-generation materials system for various applications
- Application of machine-learning methods to computational materials science
- Establishing and directing projects within a global network of research collaborators
Background in quantum chemistry or first-principles computations of materials properties,
- PhD from a top university in physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, or a related field. Proven research track record and a strong foundation in thermodynamics, transport
phenomena, and electronic structure.
experience with electronic structure methods and molecular dynamics.
- Fluency in Python, experience with Fortran or C++ preferred.
- Experience with a variety of machine learning methods, computational catalysis, and/or chemical
degradation is a plus.
Application instructions:
Submit your full CV, cover letter, up to 3 publications and list of 3 references to the job posting on
the SmartRecruiters application site (link). Applications encouraged by August 31, 2018, but will be considered on a rolling basis.