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Permanent Associate Professor position at INSA R ... (No replies)

2 years ago
laurent.pedesseau 2 years ago

Permanent associate professor position at INSA Rennes / FOTON laboratory - Simulation of halide perovskites

INSA Rennes wishes to recruit an academic staff to strengthen the international and contractual activity of the FOTON Institute in the field of halide perovskites. The candidate must be specialist of the electronic properties in the field of solid state physics and/or chemistry, and in the methodological developments dedicated to the use of large experimental facilities or complex semiconductor heterostructures. He/she should master empirical simulation methods (k.p / strong bonds) and/or DFT-type atomistic simulation methods. Solid knowledge in crystallography, use of large research infrastructures related to diffraction and practical knowledge on structural and optical characterization techniques of materials will be appreciated. 


Basic Qualifications:

Candidates should have a master degree and PhD in materials science or solid state physics or physics, preferably including documented qualifications in the areas of semiconductor, insulator, or material. The candidate should have an interest in interacting with experimentalist. The applicant should have an interest in the theory (empirical simulation methods (k.p / strong bonds) and/or DFT-type atomistic simulation methods) closely related to experimental work. Good communication skills in English are required.



The person recruited will have to be part of the simulation group of the FOTON Institute and contribute to the flagship theme of halogenated perovskites for photovoltaic and optoelectronic applications (see axis 5 of the UMR FOTON Institute: The chairholder is expected to play a leading role in strengthening international collaborative and contractual activities in the USA (CINT project) or in Europe (H2020 Polloc, Perocube, Dropit projects). He/she will have to rely on academic and industrial partners linked to these projects (Univ. Rice (Houston), Univ. Northwestern (Chicago), Univ. Oxford, ETH (Zurich), Los Alamos National Laboratory, IBM, StMicroelectronics, Saule, Avantama...)

The person recruited should be a specialist of the electronic properties in the field of solid state physics and/or chemistry, and in the methodological developments dedicated to the use of large experimental facilities or complex semiconductor heterostructures. He/she should master empirical simulation methods (k.p / strong bonds) and/or DFT-type atomistic simulation methods (based on codes such as abinit, siesta, quantum espresso, VASP...), and post-DFT (DFPT, GW, BSE...). Solid knowledge in crystallography, use of large research infrastructures related to diffraction and practical knowledge on structural and optical characterization techniques of materials will be appreciated.

As part of the research chair, the FOTON laboratory offers an exceptional research environment designed to support the launch of the candidate's activity in the above-mentioned field, during the initial three-year period linked to the chair:

-The supervision of a post-doctoral researcher for a period of one year

-The acquisition of additional dedicated computing resources on the INSA computing cluster

-Operating funds dedicated to the participation in international and national conferences and to missions/stays with FOTON laboratory collaborators in the USA or in Europe



The person recruited will be assigned to the GPM department. The training courses concerned will mainly be the GPM engineering speciality and the Science and Techniques for Engineers department (STPI-1er Cycle). She will benefit from a partial teaching release during the initial three-year period linked to the chair. For the teaching within the GPM department, the aim is to meet existing needs in the fields of electronics, materials physics, and digital simulation, particularly in the 3rd and 4th years, by emphasizing the transition to project-based teaching in English, and by introducing new teaching related to quantum technologies. An investment in the supervision of internships and in the setting up of projects with industrial partners is also desired. For the teaching within the STPI-1er Cycle department, the person recruited will be integrated into the physics teaching team and will essentially be in charge of practical work in physics (electricity, optics, thermo-energetics, waves, electromagnetism). The detailed description of these courses can be found in the ECTS sheets available on the INSA website or by contacting the relevant department heads.


Further information-Contact

For more information, please contact

Jacky EVEN ([email protected]) – Head of the simulation team at FOTON Institute

Charles CORNET ([email protected]) - Head of the FOTON component - INSA Rennes

Soline BOYER ([email protected]) - Head of the GPM department



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials