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Permanent and PhD thesis positions at Robert Bos ... (No replies)

4 years ago
gsamsonidze 4 years ago

There are openings for permanent and PhD thesis positions at Robert Bosch Corporate Research in Renningen, Stuttgart area, Germany within the field of quantum computing for materials simulations.

Project description

Quantum computing allows orders of magnitude faster quantum chemical calculations at a much higher accuracy than classical ab-initio calculations on conventional high-performance computers. Hence, allowing a true computational design of e.g. catalytic processes and understanding of degradation phenomena on the atomistic level, quantum computing in combination with classical simulation approaches enables the knowledge-based optimization of load, process and operation conditions in devices like fuel cells.

The successful candidate will develop and test workflows, simulation tools and relevant models for simulating industrial relevant materials on a near-term quantum computer.


Education: Achieved or currently pursuing a PhD in theoretical solid-state physics, quantum chemistry or related fields
Personality: Self-motivated, open-minded and curious
Working Practice: Work independently and structured, goal-oriented and logical thinking
Experience and Knowledge: Density functional theory, in particular experience in simulations with codes like VASP or Quantum Espresso. Additional knowledge and experience in density functional perturbation theory, linear response, maximally localized Wannier functions, Hubbard models, Anderson impurity models, dynamical mean-field theory and Green's functions methods. Ideally experience with Quantum circuits and quantum assembler code (Cirq, Qiskit, Qasm). Optional for PhD thesis position
Languages: Fluent in English (written and spoken)


To view the full announcement and to apply:
Permanent position:
PhD thesis position:

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials