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PDRA on Leverhulme Trust funded project "Ca ... (No replies)
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The project aim is to investigate the early stages of heterogeneous nucleation using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). The successful candidate will simulate liquid mixture structures at solid interfaces using molecular dynamics simulations, compute vibrational spectra using electronic structure calculations, and use these to develop innovative techniques to interpret SERS data thus gaining insight into the early stages of crystal nucleation at interfaces.
Applicants must have a PhD in an appropriate discipline (chemical engineering, chemistry, physics, or related discipline). They will have expertise in electronic structure calculations and/or classical molecular dynamics simulations, and data analysis and processing. They will conduct independent research, have initiative, and good organisational skills. They will have excellent communication and presentation skills to write research results clearly for publications and presentations at conferences. They will have good interpersonal skills to ensure an efficient and collegial working relationship with experimental collaborators.
As a leading international technological university, Strathclyde is recognised for its world class research, knowledge exchange and educational programmes. The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Strathclyde is one of the largest and most successful engineering faculties in the UK, and the largest in Scotland. This project is also aligned with CMAC, a world-class international hub for manufacturing research and training, working in partnership with industry to transform current manufacturing processes into the medicine supply chain of the future.
The Department of Chemical and Process Engineering is ranked No. 1 in Chemical Engineering in Scotland by the Complete University Guide 2020. The Department was awarded Bronze Athena SWAN Awards in 2015 and 2018, recognising our commitment to gender equality. We also have a strong commitment to outreach activities through our award-winning ReallySmallScience group and staff and students are encouraged to engage in outreach events to make scientific research more accessible to the wider public. The University strongly supports continuous professional development and offers a wide range of training in transferable and research skills through the Organisational and Staff Development Unit as well as a mentoring scheme for its research staff through Mentoring@Strathclyde. The successful candidate will have annual career development reviews and will receive career advice and professional support from their supervisor.
The Department of Chemical and Process Engineering is ranked No. 1 in Chemical Engineering in Scotland by the Complete University Guide 2020. The Department was awarded Bronze Athena SWAN Awards in 2015 and 2018, recognising our commitment to gender equality. We also have a strong commitment to outreach activities through our award-winning ReallySmallScience group and staff and students are encouraged to engage in outreach events to make scientific research more accessible to the wider public. The University strongly supports continuous professional development and offers a wide range of training in transferable and research skills through the Organisational and Staff Development Unit as well as a mentoring scheme for its research staff through Mentoring@Strathclyde. The successful candidate will have annual career development reviews and will receive career advice and professional support from their supervisor.
Informal enquiries about the post can be directed to Dr Karen Johnston ([email protected]).