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PDRA in Computational Materials Discovery: Solid ... (No replies)
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Postdoctoral Research Associate in Computational Materials Discovery: Solid Li Electrolytes Grade 7
University of Liverpool
Faculty of Science and Engineering
School of Physical Sciences
Department of Chemistry
£33,518 – £38,833 pa
Applications are sought for a position using computational materials discovery to accelerate the discovery of new crystalline solid Li ion conductors, for use as electrolytes in an all solid state battery. The work is funded by the Faraday Institution Fast Start project in solid-state batteries, and you will form part of a collaborative team that will tackle the development of an all solid state battery with a metallic anode. You should have a PhD in chemistry, physics, materials or computer science and expertise in the application of computation to materials discovery. Expertise in crystal structure prediction, data mining or machine/deep learning is desirable, but applicants with any directly relevant skills and experience are welcome. The position is available until 31 March 2021.
Closing Date: 5 September 2018
Job Reference: 009860
For full details and to apply online, please visit: