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PDRA Computational Studies of New Porous Materia ... (No replies)
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Postdoctoral Research Associate (Computational Studies of New Porous Materials) Grade 7
Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, UK
Job Reference Number: 008592
Salary: £33,518 - £35,550 pa
Closing Date: 5-Jan-2018 23:30
Applications are invited from individuals to work on the simulation of porous materials with dynamic responsive properties.
You will have a PhD in Chemistry, Physics or Materials Science, an excellent publication record, a pro-active approach, high-level computational skills and expertise in areas relevant to the project (e.g. method and code developments, atomistic simulation of nanoporous, biological or organic systems, machine learning methods, QSAR, structural prediction techniques and host-guest interactions in porous materials). Transferable skills evident in the discipline of porous materials modelling, prediction and property evaluation are desirable.
The post is available for 24 months.
More details are available online at this website where you can also submit your application.