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PDRA: Computational Prediction of Inorganic Mate ... (No replies)
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Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, UK
Job Ref: 008944
Salary: £33,518 - £38,833 pa
Application Deadline: 27-Apr-2018 23:30
You will work within an interdisciplinary team of researchers, using classical force-field and density functional theory calculations to accelerate the discovery of new inorganic materials. The work will be led by Prof Matt Rosseinsky, co-supervised by Dr Matthew Dyer and Dr George Darling.
We encourage applications from researchers with high-level skills in computational chemistry and materials science. Example areas of expertise for this role are inorganic materials discovery and/or computational crystal structure prediction. The ability to compute electronic, optical and transport properties using density functional theory or classical potentials, and a basic level of programming in scientific languages is also desirable.
You should have a PhD in chemistry, physics or materials science, an excellent publication track record and a demonstrated commitment to excellence.
The post is available until 30 April 2021.
Please apply online at this website.