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PD position on simulations of water/solid interf ... (No replies)

6 years ago
reilya 6 years ago

Applications are invited for one posdoctoral position in the field of ab initio simulations of interactions between water molecules and different solid surfaces including metals and different oxides with potential applications for water splitting.

The successful candidate will be based at the Institute for Theoretical Physics (IFT) at the State Univerisity of São Paulo, in São Paulo - Brazil. The position is inserted within a wider FAPESP-funded Thematic Projected titled "Interfaces in materials: electronic, magnetic, structural and transport properties". A strong collaboration with other members of the project - both experimental as well as theoretical - is expected.

Candidates are required to have a Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or a related field. Experience in ab initio density functional theory methods is a requirement. Knowledge of advanced methods such as the combination of DFT with Non-equilibrium Green's functions, and/or Machine Learning are a plus.

The initial appointment is for a period of two years with the possibility of an extension dependent on the candidate's performance.

IFT-Unesp is a world class Physics Institute located in the city of São Paulo - Brazil.  It hosts the South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), a center affiliated to ICTP in Trieste. 

Interested candidates should send a copy of their CV, a cover letter, and the names and contact information of, at least 2 people who can give a fair assessment of the candidate's work to Prof. Alexandre Reily Rocha, [email protected] until the 8th of October.



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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials