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PD/PhD in Alchemical QM in Switzerland (No replies)

7 years ago
lilienfeld 7 years ago

We are hiring! 

Chemical compound space is huge and has hardly been explored. Yet it might well hold the key to contribute substantially to our understanding of chemistry as well as to practical solutions for many of modern society's most pressing problems, including energy, water, planetary chemistry, or aging and disease. We develop, implement and apply the computational tools which enable us to investigate, explore, and navigate this space with physics based rigor and to unprecedented extent. For this, we rely on the principles of physical chemistry (as encoded in popular atomistic simulation codes which apply quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics to real materials), Machine Learning, and high-performance computing. We have ongoing collaborations with leading Machine Learning (incl. Google Accelerated Science) and quantum chemistry experts. 

We have recently been awarded multiple research grants (ERC Consolidator/SNSF project/SNSF Big Data/National Center for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (MARVEL)) and are now looking to hire ambitious, driven, skilled and talented individuals (aka nerds) who would like to join our efforts. The goal is to develop, implement and apply quantum based perturbation theory methods which enable the design or discovery of new reactions, materials, molecules, or biomolecules using standard protocols (mostly DFT), Big Data, statistical mechanics, and computing. Side-projects on machine learning are also possible.

Depending on applicant, positions can be arranged at the postdoctoral associate or PhD-student level. 

Necessary skills and characteristics:
-Very strong interest in chemical/materials compound space
-Quantum chemistry knowledge 
-Some experience with first principles based atomistic simulation methods applied to molecules, solids or liquids (post-Hartree Fock electron correlation methods/density functional theory/semi-empirical methods) and/or stat mech methods (molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo) 
-Programming skills and linux user experience 
-For PhD position: Master of Science in physical chemistry (materials or physics will be considered too) from an accredited institution. 
-For postdoc position: PhD in the field of atomistic simulation from an accredited institution plus at least 2 papers from PhD, and 1 paper for every year since PhD. 
-Demonstrated writing skills 

Desirable experience:
-Development of quantum or stat mech codes 

-join our vibrant, interdisciplinary, and international research group in Basel
-collaborate with experimentalists and industrial partners 
-experience a stimulating working environment: We are a member of the Institute of Physical Chemistry and the National Center for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (MARVEL), the Biozentrum (center for molecular life sciences) is across the street, and the Swiss nano-science institute is in our building. We frequently interact with other local theory groups including the ones of Goedecker/Meuwly
-yearly renewable contracts and top salary 
-Basel is a city university (oldest university in Switzerland) with international flair (bordering France and Germany) and a strong ex-pat community, not only due to university but also due to Swiss Tropical Institute, Bank for International Affairs, big pharma companies, and arts community.
-Basel is very well connected with its own airport, and high-speed trains to Paris or Frankfurt.

If you are interested, please visit for more details and send your CV to the head of the group, together with a motivation letter and names and e-mail addresses of 3 references. 

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials