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Optimising the mobility of nanoporous oxides - P ... (No replies)

8 years ago
KMcKenna 8 years ago

A post doctoral research associate (PDRA) position and a fully funded PhD studentship are available in the Department of Physics at the University of York as part of a major research project recently funded by EPSRC (EP/P006051).

The project aims to develop practical strategies to improve the mobility of nanoporous metal oxide films by reducing charge trapping at surface and interfaces. It will combine first principles theoretical modelling with structural, spectroscopic and photophysical materials characterisation, in order to understand charge trapping at an atomistic level and guide material modification strategies to improve mobility. Working closely with our industrial partners (Cristal and DyeSol) we will incorporate optimised nanoporous films in perovskite solar cell devices to demonstrate an improvement in efficiency.

Both posts will involve significant collaboration with experimental collaborators and industry (including an experimental PDRA in the Department of Chemistry also funded by the same project). We will have access to state-of-the-art equipment for computational work (both at York and national facilities). There will also be opportunities for involvement in outreach activities associated with this project. Further details on the individual positions available in this project are given below:

PDRA: This post will be supervised by Dr. Keith McKenna ( and will involve application of density functional theory to investigate electron and hole trapping at surfaces and interfaces in metal oxide materials. The post is available for a fixed term of 36 months with an anticipated start date of January 1st 2017. For further details and to apply see here.

PhD: This post will be supervised by Drs. Keith McKenna and Vlado Lazarov and will focus on modelling the structure of interfaces in metal oxide materials as well as simulation of transmission electron microscopy image contrast to facilitate comparison with experiment. Funding is available to UK and EU applicants and will cover tuition fees and a tax-free stipend at the standard EPSRC rate (currently, £14,296 per year) for 3 years. The studentship is available to start any time between January and October 2017. For further details and to apply see here.

For the PDRA positions you should have (or be close to obtaining) a PhD in Physics, Chemistry or related Physical Science and a track record of peer-reviewed publications in high-quality journals. A good understanding of Materials Physics/Chemistry and excellent communications skills are also essential. Specific skills and experience required can be found in the candidate brief linked above.

For the PhD position you should have (or be expecting to obtain) a first class of upper-second class degree in Physics, Chemistry or related Physical Science. A strong interest in computer simulations and experience with Linux, programming, and computational physics and chemistry software are also highly desirable.

Informal enquiries regarding the above positions can be made to Dr. Keith McKenna ([email protected]).

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials