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Openings for two-year postdoctoral and research ... (No replies)

3 months ago
jglan 3 months ago

The Jinggang Lan group at the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIAT), has several openings for two-year postdoctoral positions, with the possibility of promotion to Research Assistant Professor. This structured promotion path includes a Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Assistant Professor, Research Associate Professor (permanent) or Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (PI), and Research Professor (PI).

We offer competitive salaries ranging from 300,000 to 450,000 RMB (approximately 42,000 to 62,000 USD) based on experience and performance. For individuals holding a PhD from a QS, USNEWS, etc., top 200 ranked university, the postdoctoral salary starts from 400,000 RMB (around 55,000 USD). Shenzhen's living conditions are pleasant and affordable, with housing where a 1B1B apartment typically rents for less than 5,000 RMB (about 700 USD) per month. This vibrant city is known for its lush parks, innovative culture, and dynamic lifestyle, making it an ideal place for work and life. Additionally, we provide financial support for travel expenses related to summer schools, conferences, and similar events, allocating at least 10,000 RMB (1500 USD) per year. We also offer opportunities for exchanges with esteemed institutions such as the University of Zurich, University College London (UCL), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), and the University of Cambridge, tailored to individual growth and project requirements.


#Project 1: Electrochemistry

This project focuses on developing computational methods to tackle scientific problems in electrochemistry. The project involves the development of new constant potential methods and their applications to electrochemical reactions.

  1. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 11.9 (2020): 3724-3730.
  2. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 119.29 (2022): e2118166119.
  3. J. Phys. Chem. C 122.42 (2018): 24068-24076.

#Project 2: Solvated Electron

This project involves creating or employing established computational methods to study the reactivity of solvated electrons.

  1. Nat. Commun. 12.1 (2021): 766.
  2. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 61.38 (2022): e202209398.
  3. Chem. Sci. 13.13 (2022): 3837-3844.
  4. Nat. Commun. 15, 2544 (2024). 

#Project 3: Open Project for Research Assistant Professor

Research Assistant Professors (and Postdoctoral Researchers) are encouraged to propose their projects in computational chemistry. Projects related to biology, including but not limited to language models, computational drug discovery, and molecular dynamics simulations of biological systems, are particularly welcome.


Candidate Requirements:

- For postdoctoral positions: Must have received a Ph.D. degree within the past 3 years and be under 35 years old.

- For Research Assistant Professor roles: At least two years of postdoctoral experience is required.

- Fluent in spoken and written English, with a preference for scientific writing.

- Should have a PhD (or expected to have a PhD) in a relevant field such as Physics, (Computational) Chemistry, or Computational Science, etc.

- Should have programming experience, particularly in languages like Fortran and Python. Familiarity with machine learning is an advantage.

- Experience with at least one of the following computational software is preferred: CP2K, VASP, Quantum Espresso, Lammps, Gromacs, i-PI, or deepMD.


Application Process:

Please submit the following to apply:

A curriculum vitae with contact details and 1-3 references, including at least one thesis supervisor (please include nationality, date of birth, civil status, and degrees obtained).

Two (or three for Research Assistant Professor applicants) reprints of representative prior research.

A brief cover letter detailing your motivation.


Applications must include all the items listed above and should be sent as a single PDF file to Jinggang Lan at [email protected] or [email protected]. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide confidential recommendation letters. The search will continue until suitable candidates are selected.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials