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Opening for two fixed-term Staff Researchers at ... (No replies)

2 years ago
silpicoz 2 years ago

At Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche CNR-SPIN Chieti (Italy) there will soon be two openings as fixed-term Staff-Researchers (“Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato”), in the group of Modelling and Design of functional Materials, headed by Dr. Silvia Picozzi. Both positions (with benefits and salary identical to permanent staff members) will  start in the first semester of 2023 and will be funded by the “Next Generation EU” program.

1)    The first position is for 30 months and will be activated within the “National Center for High-Performance Computing (CN-HPC)”. Research topics are related to the combination of Density Functional Theory (DFT) and Machine Learning in ferroic materials [(anti)-ferroelectrics, (anti)-ferromagnets, ferroelastics].  

2)    The second position is for 36 months and will be activated within the "National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI)". The ideal candidate should be a DFT expert, working on spin-related quantum phenomena (for example defects in topological insulators or magnetic atoms on 2D materials, oxide surfaces, ..). The ideal candidate is expected to interact - at least partially - with the "Hamiltonian modelling" partners of the NQSTI Institute.

The ideal candidate should:

- have a PhD degree in Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science or related disciplines (MUST have a degree obtained before December 2022);

- have a “senior postdoc” profile (i.e. have at least 1-2 years of postdoc experience);

- have an excellent track record in terms of publications;

- be quite independent and willing to build a career in Chieti, Italy


To express an interest in these positions, candidates should send an email to silvia.picozzi at using the subject line “Interest for staff-researcher position at CN-HPC” or “Interest for staff-researcher position at NQSTI”, including CV, publication list  and two academic references.


More info on the hosting group available at . For further queries, please contact silvia.picozzi at


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials