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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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Open positions at Juelich Research Center (No replies)

5 years ago
ippoliti 5 years ago
Within a collaboration with the Juelich Research Center and the Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, we are seeking motivated candidates at the PhD and Postdoc level to develop new algorithms on hybrid QM/MM approaches for biomedical applications. Experience in plane wave-based DFT codes for electronic structure calculations is required. Proficiency in the use of high-performance computing, including shell scripting and MPI programming in Fortran is a plus. The candidate should be strongly motivated towards investigating problems of biophysical relevance, although no previous knowledge in biophysics is necessary.
All communication concerning this opportunity should be sent to [email protected].
Application must take the form of one single pdf document, comprising:
  • A cover letter explaining your motivation for applying, and your career goals and plans.
  • A curriculum vitae / résumé including a complete list of publications and relevant outputs, academic degree results and/or rankings, and any awards, distinctions or relevant experience.
  • Contact details of two referees who are informed, willing, and available for contact in regards to your application.
The positions will remain open until suitable candidates are identified. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for a Skype interview.

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials