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Open position - Integration of AiiDA and ChemAli ... (No replies)
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An open position for a software engineer/data scientist is available at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland) in the group of Prof. Nicola Marzari and in synergy with the MARVEL NCCR ( The position is funded through a partnership with ChemAlive (, a company hosted at EPFL Innovation Park, and the Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation, through a project grant.
The primary goal of the current 1.5-year project is to integrate the AiiDA ( platform into the ChemAlive interface. This will entail coding plugins for common open-source quantum chemistry packages (NWchem, CP2K) and re-coding and further development of workflows developed by ChemAlive into the workflow engine of AiiDA to accomplish complex automation routines using a Python scripting environment.
For additional details on this opening (including requirements and how to apply), see