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Open PhD position in Theoretical Physics/Chemist ... (No replies)

5 years ago
TlaCour 5 years ago

One PhD-position in Theoretical/Computational Chemistry/Physics

Within the project “Elucidating the Ultrafast Excitation Energy
Transport Network of Photosynthetic Machineries”, one PhD position is
available at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) in close
collaboration with Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). The
aim of the project is to develop fundamental insight into the energy
transport processes fundamental to photosynthesis, which is currently
a topic of great interest in the Physical Chemistry community. The PhD
student will be enrolled in the Groningen Graduate School of Science
and spend three years in Groningen and one year in Singapore during
the project.  The PhD will receive a dual degree from University of
Groningen and Nanyang Technological University.


§  You are a highly motivated and enthusiastic researcher

§  You have an MSc degree in Physical Chemistry, Physics, Chemistry or

§  You have a keen interest in fundamental research on the border
between physics and chemistry

§  You have excellent analytical skills and a keen interest in the
interpretation of complex data

§  You have strong theoretical skills and interest in programming

§  Good social skills and ability to collaborate with experimentalists

§  You are fluent in English

Position: “ Modelling the Ultrafast Excitation Energy Transport
Network of Photosynthetic Machineries”

The main goals of this project are to provide the theory required to
understand the energy transport in the photosystem II supercomplex
(PSII-SC) natural light-harvesting systems, model and interpret
ultrafast multidimensional spectroscopic experiments on these systems.
Important parameters to study include the energy levels of chlorophyll
molecules and their fluctuations within individual protein complexes
(as LHCII) and the couplings between energy levels within each protein
complex and between different complexes. These parameters will be
determined by combining information about the protein structures,
molecular dynamics, ab initio calculations, and knowledge from
spectroscopic studies.

Excitation energies and intermolecular couplings parametrized from ab
initio calculations on the antenna molecules using monomers and dimers
will be used to construct Frenkel exciton Hamiltonians. These will be
used to calculate the absorption spectra and ultrafast
multidimensional spectra of isolated antenna systems and connected
antenna systems. Furthermore, in collaboration with the experimental
group in Singapore this will be used to unravel the excitation energy
transport network in the photosynthetic machinery.  This will allow
determining the design principles of the PSII-SC system and other
photosynthetic types of machinery.

The PhD student will gain experience in the use of ab initio, DFT, and
semi-empirical methods, exciton theory, programming, spectral
modelling, and soft academic skills. The position will be embedded
within the Theory of Condensed Matter group (Thomas L.C. Jansen and
Jasper Knoester in
Groningen and during the stay in Singapore in the Ultrafast
Multidimensional Spectroscopy group in Singapore (Howe-Siang Tan

Our offer

§  Successful candidates will first be offered a temporary position of
1 year with the option of renewal for another 3 years, with a
qualifier in the 1st year

§  Salary ranging from € 2.266,- gross at the start to € 2.897,- gross
in the 4th year (salary and conditions are in accordance with the
collective labor agreement for Dutch universities)

§  Excellent benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% of the gross
annual salary and a year-end bonus of 8.3% and a solid pension scheme

§  Stimulating scientific environment with enthusiastic colleagues

§  A training program in which you and your supervisors will make up a
plan for additional suitable education and supervision

§  A high degree of responsibility and independence, but also
stimulate interaction and discussion with colleagues

§  Exciting teaching opportunities (up to ca. 10% of the time)

Information and application

Please send your application including an application/motivation
letter, emphasizing your specific interest and motivation to apply for
this position, a detailed CV, contact details of at least 2 referees,
and an academic transcript of B.Sc. and M.Sc. education. A TOEFL,
IELTS score or other documentation to verify sufficient mastering of
the English language. An onsite interview will be part of the
selection procedure.

Send the application package to:

Thomas la Cour Jansen ([email protected])

Review of applications will start 13st of February.


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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials