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Open PhD position (75% TV-L E13) in computationa ... (No replies)
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The group of Prof. Janina Maultzsch at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen offers a PhD position (75% TV-L E13) in computational condensed matter physics. We are interested in the growing family of two-dimensional materials, which feature a diverse range of physical properties, among them strong optical response, high flexibility, superconductivity. The aim of the project is the simulation of the electronic structure of functionalized systems and heterostructures involving two-dimensional materials by means of ab initio computational methods, such as (time-dependent) density-functional theory, the GW approximation and the excitonic Bethe-Salpeter Equation. A particular focus will lie on the development of efficient methods for the simulation of charge and energy transfer and the excitation spectra of complex structures based on localized orbitals.
Applicants are expected to have an M.Sc or equivalent degree in Physics, Materials Science or related fields with an excellent background in solid state physics. Further requirements: very good English (oral and written), working in a team and with collaboration partners. Previous experience in ab initio techniques such as density functional theory and programming languages such as Fortran or Python is preferred, but self-motivated candidates are encouraged to apply regardless.
The position is currently funded until December 31th, 2018 and is expected to be extended. Interested scientists should submit their application documents (CV, motivation letter, 2 references, grade transcripts, list of publications or presentations) via email to: [email protected] by March 1st 2018. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.
The FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg promotes gender equality in employment. Qualified women are hence explicitly encouraged to apply. Disabled persons with otherwise equal personal and professional qualifications are given priority.
Further information:
Roland Gillen, PhD
Chair of Experimental Physics (Prof. Dr. Maultzsch)
Department of Physics
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuernberg
Staudtstraße 7
91058 Erlangen
E-mail: [email protected]