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Job announcements relevant to people interested in electronic structure calculations…

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Open HPC positions at Cineca (Italy) (1 reply)

1 year ago
sebastiano 1 year ago

The CINECA Interuniversity Consortium announces a selection for 30 permanent
positions with qualified professional skills to be included within the HPC

The selected people will be included in the teams involved in the ongoing
projects in which CINECA participates, including: the activation and
development of the cutting-edge technological infrastructures of the
“Bologna Technopole”, the development of the Supercomputer EuroHPC
"Leonardo", PNRR collaborations (EU Recovery and resilient facility), the
numerous European actions (currently about 50 - among which we mention
collaboration with ECMWF, EUROFusion and EUDAT, participation in the Centers
of Excellence for application domains relating to the study of new materials,
of the terrestrial geophysical system, of complex engineering systems, of
Human Brain Project, Destination Earth ...).

For more details see here

Applications must be received electronically, under penalty of exclusion,
through the website by *12 noon on 11/05/2023*.
Different application methods will not be accepted.

Best regards,

HPC User Support @ CINECA

1 year ago
sebastiano 1 year ago

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Ab initio (from electronic structure) calculation of complex processes in materials